Ryan was able to play in his megasaucer for the first time yesterday. His feet just almost touch the bottom. He had a blast playing in there and his big brothers loved showing him how to use all the toys. Also it was a big day for Justin. He learned how to write his name by himself at school today. I am so proud! Jayson is very close and will be doing it soon. Justin practiced writing his name for an hour last night at home too. Jayson would rather play his educational video games. He is a whiz at those. They both have homework every night now so that is fun. They worked on writing all their numbers and counting objects last night. Pre-K has been a great move for them. I cant wait to see how well they advance now. I'm so glad it is Friday!!! I am looking forward to spending a relaxing weekend with the kiddos.
Yay Justin!!! He did about 5 pages of this last night.
He asked me to mail a copy to JoJo and PaPa and also
to GiGi and Grandad.