Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend and Happy Birthday Hub!

I had a nice, long 4 days off of work for Memorial Day weekend. We had so much family fun packed into those days! I took the big boys to their first 3D movie- Monsters vs. Aliens, we went to Chuck E Cheese to play games, went to Chessa's mom's house to relax by the pool and have adult beverages all day Saturday, and Vicki and Caitlyn came over to play and visit our neighborhood pool. It was the most enjoyable weekend I have had in quite some time. The kids were all happy and in fantastic moods. Great time. Here are some pictures from the weekend.

Also, Happy Birthday Scott!!! Love you

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Cool shirts and play time videos

Thanks JoJo and PaPa for our cool Jamaica shirts you got us on your cruise. Very cool!

Cute video of Ryan...

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Happy Anniversary!!!

Today is Scott and my 8th Wedding Anniversary! 5/19/01 was the magical day we said "I do". I can't believe we have been married for that long already. We sure have come a long way and we will continue to work hard to make our marriage a success. We have so much to be thankful for with so many blessings in our lives. Thank you God for my partner, our children and the wonderful life we have. I look forward to many more years of mostly wedded bliss. :) I love you Scott!

Monday, May 18, 2009

New School News and Happy Ryan!

The boys are starting a new school in September and they are very excited about it. It is called New Hope Child Development Center at New Hope Presbyterian Church in Katy. They will go Monday through Thursday from 9-2:30. They met their teacher this week and she took pictures of them to hang in the classroom and help her learn their names. It is a transition class for kids who are turning 5 this summer and is sort of a bridge between Pre-K and Kindergarten. I think it will be great for them and be the best decision in the long run to wait until they are 6 to start elementary school. Here are a few pictures of the boys the day we went to see the school. The were amazed at the little benches and chairs in the front and asked me to take their picture in front of everything. HA!

Here are a couple of cute photos of Ryan. This one was 2 secs before he fell out of the laundry basket right on his face and screamed for a while. (Yes he is standing in the basket)

Here is one of his favorite toys...the vacuum.

Splash Park


We enjoyed the mostly beautiful weather this weekend playing outside. We have a splash park in the neighborhood that the kids have been asking to go to. I decided to put Ryan's swimsuit on just for fun and didn't think he would really be getting out of his stroller but boy was I wrong! I sat him down by a little sprayer and he had a blast splashing in the water. He stayed there for about 20 minutes and then got really brave and started crawling through tunnels and playing in the big sprayers. He is a water baby for sure. Justin tripped and fell shortly after we arrived and he freaks out with any kind of scrape so he sat out the rest of the time. Jayson was running all around laughing and playing in the water with Ryan. Great fun!

We also went to church Sunday since everyone was healthy in our household and I left Ryan in the baby room. He was so happy with all the new exciting toys there. Here is a picture from church. After church we visited mommy's friend Holly to give away some of Ryan's baby gear. Holly is expecting another boy in August. It was a little sad to let go of some of Ryan's baby things, but my entry way sure looks cleaner now! We also visited my friend Jennifer who gave us 10 cans of Similac formula!!! Jackpot! Last night was pretty relaxing at home. I am really looking forward to a long Memorial Day holiday weekend...

Monday, May 11, 2009

Mother's Day!

My Mother's day started at 3am when Ryan woke up crying uncontrollably. I tried everything to console him; Tylenol, rocking, diaper change, etc. He started to doze off so I put him back down in the crib and then he started screaming again. I went back to bed to let him "cry it out". I turned off the baby monitor and woke up at 6am to hear him crying again. I got up and did the routine again of rocking, bouncing, giving him water to drink and then tried to lay him back down so I could get a little more sleep. He was still crying at 6:45am so I got up with him again for good. Come to find out he now has 3 top teeth that all decided to make an appearance this weekend. Poor baby! The front two teeth have come in more and a third tooth poked his way through as well. Ryan was upset until the afternoon since he finally napped for 2 1/2 hours and then awoke as my smiley happy baby.

Jayson and Justin (Scott too) made this Mother's Day THE BEST! They were so loving and made me feel so special. They made me breakfast and coffee in bed. They hopped in bed to eat their breakfast too. They gave me handmade crafts from school, pretty yellow flowers, and a card which I opened to hear their sweet voices say "I love you Mom, Happy Mother's Day". It was one of those record your own voice cards-- very cool! All day they drew me pictures and they continued to tell me they love me. Here are some pics.
I also enjoyed a shopping trip to buy some new clothes (I have now lost 30lbs since having Ryan!) and a trip to Berri Blends for some frozen yogurt with Chessa. Instead of fighting the crowds, Scott cooked steak and we had shrimp, mushrooms, angel hair pasta and salad. Then we had angel food cake with whip cream and strawberries too. YUM. Such a great day.
I have the best kids in the world!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Ryan is 7 Months Old

My baby boy is 7 months old now!!! He is growing up so fast. He amazes me every day at how much he is already doing. He is laughing all the time, sitting up and playing with toys, crawling all over the house, and now he is pulling up too on the couch or chairs, or even your leg! He loves to eat almost everything except baby jar food mac and cheese. I have to say it does look pretty nasty, but surely he will love the real thing like I do. Ryan loves playing with his big brothers. They play trucks, roll balls, and the big boys love to tickle and kiss him all the time too. I am so blessed to have these great kids. Thank you God for my family! May everyone stay healthy and happy.

Ryan Extreme Close up! He is loving on his mommy...

Friday, May 1, 2009

Swim Class

My little fish! This is the boys second swim class so far so they are still a bit rusty from last summer, but they just love it! They go to Sea Sport Scuba and Swim in Katy and have a blast every time. I took some video of them doing the breast stroke or "go around the pizza and cut" as the teacher calls it. They do a pretty good job! I cant wait to watch them progress over the next six weeks. Ryan enjoyed watching them by the side of the pool last night. Of course he wanted to jump in with them since it looked like a giant bath tub to him.
Enjoy the show of my awesome boys...The first one is Jayson and the second shows them both.