My Mother's day started at 3am when Ryan woke up crying uncontrollably. I tried everything to console him;
Tylenol, rocking, diaper change, etc. He started to doze off so I
put him back down in the crib and then he started screaming again. I went back to bed to let him "cry it out". I turned off the baby
monitor and woke up at 6am to hear him crying again. I got up and did the routine again of rocking, bouncing, giving him water to drink and then tried to lay him back down so I could get a little more sleep. He was still crying at 6:45am so I got up with him again for good. Come to find out he now has 3 top teeth that all decided to make an appearance this weekend. Poor baby! The front two teeth have come in more and a third tooth poked his way through as well. Ryan was upset until the afternoon since he finally napped for 2 1/2 hours and then awoke as my smiley happy baby.
Jayson and Justin (Scott too) made this Mother's Day THE BEST! They were so loving and made me feel so special. They made me breakfast and coffee in bed. They hopped in bed to eat their breakfast too. They gave me handmade crafts from school, pretty yellow flowers, and a card which I opened to hear their sweet voices say "I love you Mom, Happy Mother's Day". It was one of those record your own voice cards-- very cool! All day they drew me pictures and they continued to tell me they love me. Here are some pics.
I also enjoyed a shopping trip to buy some new clothes (I have now lost 30lbs since having Ryan!) and a trip to Berri Blends for some frozen
yogurt with
Chessa. Instead of fighting the crowds, Scott cooked steak and we had shrimp, mushrooms, angel hair pasta and salad. Then we had angel food cake with whip cream and strawberries too. YUM. Such a great day.
I have the best kids in the world!