Monday, May 24, 2010

Graduation Boys!

The Pre-K Graduates!!!

Singing during their graduation program

Family People
Cake Time!!!
Mom and Dad with the graduates
The boys with the BEST teacher ever, Ms. Donna!

The boys with their buddy Justin R.
I can't believe summer is here already! I haven't even sat down and planned out their activities to keep them busy! I better get to work on that. Graduation day was a little sad for me. My babies are so grown up and starting elementary school. That is such a weird concept for me. How can they already be old enough for "big kid" school? I am proud of everything they have learned this year and can't wait to watch them excel when they start Oakland Elementary in the Fall. So for now, I need to make some exciting summer plans for them. They will go to VBS, and spend some time and the grandparents house. Their birthday party is coming up at the end of June and we are taking them to NASA for their actual birthday. I'm sure we will make it to the beach sometime and have a few play dates with their old classmates. Hopefully Scott doesn't lose his mind at home this summer with all 3 boys. Good luck babe!!! You can do it!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Farewell Tee Ball and Happy Anniversary!

Sadly Tee Ball has come to an end, but I am already looking forward to the years ahead of cheering on the boys at whatever sport or activity they choose to play/do.
Click Here to see the awesome photos their Coach took before the season ended.

The Orioles Team party was a success. We had it at Il Primo who was also our team sponsor. Of course Scott didn't think the pizza measured up to Papa John's but the kids loved it.

The boys with friend Trenton

Ryan enjoys his ranch with a little pizza...

YUM! Baseball cupcakes rule!
Tee Ball trophies!!!
Ryan like to participate in every photo I try to take of the twins. He runs over and poses between them. HA! I love it.
A girlfriend at work handed down some clothes for the twins from her son and in the pile was some new pj's! The boys love pj's for some reason and they were so proud to own some really cool ones. Then of course cutie pie Ryan saw the camera and ran in between them again. His pj's are not new. He just loves the spotlight!

Cool pj's!

Ryan cuteness...
Now that school and tee ball are about over, we plan to spend a lot of time swimming at the pool this summer!!! There are many thing to look forward to...Pre-K graduation this week, Vacation Bible School X2, the twins 6th birthday party, and a visit from Aunt Gina, Uncle Royce and cousins Tyler and Kaley! We also have plenty of other family birthdays in between!

Tomorrow is Scott and my 9th wedding anniversary!!! Look at us kids!!! So young and naive. I love you babe! Happy Anniversary and I look forward to many more!
I am excited to have a date night with him alone without kids!!! JoJo is coming to watch the boys and spend some time with them. Life is so good. I count my blessings everyday! We may be poor, but momma sure is happy!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Happy Mother's Day!!!

The boys had a Mother's Day tea at their school that was so special. They served me breakfast, sang songs, recited a sweet Mother's Day poem, and gave me a wonderful gift. They even gave me purple flowers to take home. I really love being a mom. I am reminded everyday what an awesome job it is to be a mother. It is the most rewarding job in the world and I am so grateful to have been given these precious gifts. I have the most amazing boys that show me how much they love me each and every day. They warm my heart and make me smile all the time. I just can't get enough! Here are other pictures from the Mother's Day tea.

About to seat the mom's...
About to recite a poem
Flowers for the mom's
The boys with Diane. She apparently "likes" Justin as I am told and she told her mom she thinks he is cute. Justin made her the bow she is holding... hmmmm
Justin takes one of me with my cake and fruit...YUM! The kids made the lemon pound cake the day before at school. It was great!
My precious gifts! They were painted tiles! I am going to frame them and hang them up at home.

Jayson, Justin and Ryan, thank you sweet boys for making my life complete and filling our home with such joy, love and laughter day after day. I am so excited to be your mommy and watch you grow up. I look forward to becoming your best friend someday as I have become with my mom. You make me so proud! I love you so much!!! Love, Mom

To all the mom's out there- Have a HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!!!! Especially to my mom and Gayle! I hope you enjoy your day and feel so special! Wish we could be together! Love you!