The Pre-K Graduates!!!
Singing during their graduation program
Family People
Cake Time!!!
Mom and Dad with the graduates
The boys with the BEST teacher ever, Ms. Donna!
The boys with their buddy Justin R.
The boys with their buddy Justin R.
I can't believe summer is here already! I haven't even sat down and planned out their activities to keep them busy! I better get to work on that. Graduation day was a little sad for me. My babies are so grown up and starting elementary school. That is such a weird concept for me. How can they already be old enough for "big kid" school? I am proud of everything they have learned this year and can't wait to watch them excel when they start Oakland Elementary in the Fall. So for now, I need to make some exciting summer plans for them. They will go to VBS, and spend some time and the grandparents house. Their birthday party is coming up at the end of June and we are taking them to NASA for their actual birthday. I'm sure we will make it to the beach sometime and have a few play dates with their old classmates. Hopefully Scott doesn't lose his mind at home this summer with all 3 boys. Good luck babe!!! You can do it!