Thursday, April 2, 2009

6 Months Old Today!!!

It's hard to believe that Ryan is already been in our lives for 6 months. He is a wonderful addition to the family. The boys tell me over and over that they are so happy we have baby Ryan. His big brothers enjoy playing with him, talking to him, and making him laugh more than I could have ever known. Thank you God for blessing us with this precious gift! I am so grateful for all of my boys.

At 6 months, Ryan is doing so many fun things. He started crawling a few days ago which was very exciting. I put him down in his room and walked into the kitchen. Before I knew it, I looked back and Ryan was down near my feet. He had followed me to the kitchen. Justin saw him and was screaming "mommy Ryan's crawling" "He's a big boy mommy". Of course I got out the video camera. Check him out.

Ryan is also sitting up mostly by himself. He is playing with big boy toys now too. He has 2 bottom teeth and it looks like a top tooth is coming next. He drools a lot and loves to chew on a hard linking ring. Ryan has an amazing smile that lights up a room and he has the cutest dimple on his left cheek. He is a chubby boy wearing size 9-12 month clothes already. He loves to eat about anything now except for peaches which he will gag and make funny faces with. He plays with his feet a lot and immediately tries to roll over when put down on his changing table so he can make it as difficult as possible to change him. He's funny, smiley, and loves to be held and cuddled all the time. Happy Half Birthday Ryan!!! We can't wait to share many more fun times with you as you grow up.


Michelle said...

That is so cute!! I love how Jayson and Justin talk "baby" and repeat what you say - too cute! What good big brothers they are :) Can't believe that baby boy is 6 months old!

Dash, Shae and Mason said...

My goodness! So cute! And how much fun for you Mer. He is precious.