Tuesday, September 8, 2009

A Day of Firsts...

Today was Jayson and Justin's first day of Pre-K at New Hope Child Development Center! They were both very excited about their new school, teacher Ms. Donna, and making new friends. I just know they will have a great first day.

Awww such angels. I cant believe they will be in Kindergarten next year!!! They grow up so fast. Another first is that Ryan got his first pair of shoes!!! This boy has been walking since he was 9 months old and he is just zipping all around now and wants to be down walking all the time. GiGi bought his first pair of shoes this weekend and he was so proud. He has been wearing them all day now and loving them! Such a big boy Ryan!

Ryan also rode in his big boy car seat for the first time this week! No more infant car seat for this boy. Look how proud he is... He gets to watch movies in the car just like his brothers now.

This is a view of my back seat now. So many boys!!! It was a great week of firsts for us. In other news, we have Steph's wedding this weekend which I will be the Matron of Honor in and we celebrated her bachelorette party this weekend. I will only show you one picture of this crazy night. Fun times Steph!!! I love you.

After the wedding this weekend (which is also Chessa's birthday- Hooray!), we have my friend Vicki's baby shower coming up, Ryan's first birthday, and the start of Jayson and Justin's soccer. I am so excited about the weeks to come! Life is good...


Shae Connell said...

The twins bags are almost as big as they are! Hahaha! Love Ryan's shoes! Less than a month until another big first - a first birthday! Can't wait to see pics! Miss you!

Merideth said...

I know! The school gave them those silly bags. I'm so excited about his birthday!!! I just cant believe how fast it has come. Enjoy every minute with Mason because before you know it he will be 1 too! Miss you too friend.