Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Play Ball!!!

Tee Ball is just about over now. We have 3 games left to play. It has been so much fun to cheer the boys on and watch them improve over the last few months. I am so proud of them.

JoJo and PaPa, Uncle J and Lauren made it out for a game. There was a lot of cheers that day!

Justin at bat

Justin on base...

Jayson at bat

Jayson runs to 3rd...

Justin plays first base. Get them out buddy!
Jayson plays outfield

Jayson plays catcher
Sweet Ryan!
Having a blast at the ball field
Justin at bat again...looking good!
Jayson gets ready to run to second...

Run hard Jayson!!!!
Chillin' in the dugout
Hanging with their friend Trenton

Well when Tee Ball is over it will be summer time! The pool will open in May, they will attend VBS at our church and mom's church in Waco and they will visit the grandparents as often as possible before they start Kindergarten this Fall. Oh how time flies... I want to soak up every second of being their mommy and spending precious time with them.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Gymnastics Party and Parade

This week has been another fun one. The boys had a couple tee ball games where they are really improving and starting to get kids out. They are also starting to catch the ball in the air when thrown instead of just grounders. It is really cool to watch them learn the game and get so much better! In addition to many other goodies, the Easter bunny brought them Kohl's gift cards so I took them shopping for summer clothes and they asked to pick out some summer pj's. We had a popcorn and movie night on Sunday and they were SUPER excited to wear their new Super Mario Bro's pj's. Look at those smiles!

New Jammies Rock!

Watching Milo and Otis with Ryan. Cute...

The boys were invited to Matthew's gymnastics party this weekend. It was at Westwood Gymnastics in Katy and the boys had a blast! We are thinking about having their party there as well. There is the birthday boy getting ready to hop down the trampoline.

Here's Jayson

Jumping beans...

Justin's routine on the uneven bars! I give it a 10!

The boys wait to jump into the ever popular foam pit. Quentin is about to go then the boys and Matthew follow behind. This was a favorite of all the kids...and parents too.

The twins just jumped and are trying to make their way out.

Look at my cuties in the pit. So fun!
The coach put the kids in this wheel and pushed it backwards into the pit. Justin is going now.
Ryan decides he LOVES the trampoline once all the big kids get off.
Running Ryan...
The wheel also served as baby jail for a while so I could take pictures of the twins. HA! He couldn't get out. They should sells these things to parents.
Ryan loves the pit too! We found a separate one for him to jump in and play.

This brings back so many memories of gym class at school. This is so fun! On the count of three they lifted the parachute thing and all sat underneath it to make a tent. Then they sang Happy Birthday to Matthew. 1...2...3...Go!
All the kids are sitting in there giggling
Last stop was this really cool slide mountain. Yes I went down the slide a few times too! It had hidden slides and passages everywhere.
The group...
We had a storm here on Sunday that fried the boys Nintendo Wii. They played that like crazy and they are very sad it is gone. The past two nights without it we have done puzzles for hours and then a parade last night. I had to get the camera out when Ryan suddenly became the parade leader. It was pretty funny to watch him lead the way banging his drum.
Here is a short video of the parade...enjoy! I know I sure did for the 45 minutes this went on.
Ryan has his 18 month shots tomorrow which is no fun at all. After that I have a parent teacher conference at the boys school. They are all registered for Kindergarten now so it will be sad to visit with their teacher knowing they only have a few weeks left in her class. She has been amazing!!! My mom is coming in town so her and PaPa can come to the baseball game Friday night and watch the boys play. They only have 6 games left. Summer is right around the corner! I have been doing well on Weight Watchers and have now lost 17lbs. I still have a bit more to go but I am please with my progress and so is my doctor I saw yesterday. Gooo Me!
I hope you have a great week ahead!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Awesome April

April has flown by with all the activities we have had going on. We left April 1st for West to celebrate Easter at JoJo and PaPa's house. It was so restful and nice. Then we have been busy with baseball since we returned. The boys have really improved! See the pictures below of all the fun we have been having.

Justin and Ryan before church
Chillin' by Justin's bluebonnet. He is VERY proud of it.
Ryan sees a bird...

My sweet angel...

JoJo and PaPa

The gang at Easter

My Easter boys...

Ryan found an egg hiding in this train. He loves Choo Choo trains right now.

Ryan hunting eggs with his basket from the bunny and his egg hunting basket. He didn't want to put it down for a minute. Smart kid...

Justin and loot

Ryan and his goodies

SCORE!!!! Thanks Easter Bunny
Mommy and Chessa at the boys baseball game

GiGi and Grandad, Aunt Lauren, and Chessa with all the boys at the game.
Jayson won the game ball!!! He was thrilled!

Good game...Good game...

Jayson at bat...SLUGGER


Jayson throws to his brother
It has really been fun to watch them over the last several weeks. I can see many years ahead of me cheering for my boys. Those cheerleading days taught me a thing or two. My voice projects very loud and they always hear their momma yelling for them.
Ryan turned 18 months and is really starting to talk more. He is so funny and repeats almost everything now. It is neat to figure out what he is trying to tell you. He sure loves his big brothers and wants to do whatever they are doing. He loves trains, trucks, and playing outside the best. Thank goodness he is such a portable little guy because he is along for the ride everywhere we take the big boys these days; school, games, church activities, and all. I look forward to seeing his little personality grow as time goes on.