Monday, August 24, 2009

August happenings...

I cant believe August is about to be over already. Ryan is almost 11 months old now so yes I am starting to plan his birthday party!!! We will be doing The Very Hungry Caterpillar theme and I am attempting to make the cake. I will post pics of the grand event. Jayson and Justin have visited both grandparents this summer for a week so they are officially spoiled rotten now. We are trying to ease them back into reality from grandparent land to the real world. They start Pre-K on September 8th and it cant come soon enough. I think they are ready for the structured learning. We are also signing them up for soccer soon. I cant wait to see how they do with that. Ryan has been a walking fool! He is getting pretty fast now too. I just love to watch him follow his big brothers all around the house. He also loves to dance now too. When I put on music he starts bouncing and waving his arms around. It just melts my heart! Scott's had some problems with his MS lately so we are very excited that he is starting a new treatment tomorrow. It is a monthly infusion called Tysabri and it is supposed to be the most promising of all the MS medications at this time as far as improving functions he has lost. The other drugs just slow the progression of the disease. We are both very hopeful that this medication will help him get better and help maintain his mobility for many years to come. On a positive note, we celebrated my brother's girlfriend Lauren's graduation this weekend. She got her DPT in Physical Therapy and we are so proud! Great job Lauren. Have a great week and I promise to post new pictures and videos soon.

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